Jupiter meeting Earth??Planetary Opposition??

The biggest planet in the Nearby planet group will be nearest to Earth in 70 years because of a phenomenon called planetary Opposition.

So, we are blessed to be a part of this rare phenomena where the biggest planet of our solar system (Jupiter) hangs over the skies as it come close to our earth two years after Jupiter and Saturn came in line with Earth in an uncommon planetary combination.

Jupiter will be noticeable in the skies the whole evening of September 26 when it arrives at Opposition. The planet's Opposition happens when a cosmic item ascends in the east as the Sun sets in the west, putting the article and the Sun on inverse sides of Earth as seen from our home planet.

This resistance is extraordinary since this will be Jupiter's nearest way to deal with Earth in 70 years. This occurs because of the distinction in circle of the two planets around the Sun. Both Jupiter and Earth don't circle the Sun in amazing circles. It implies that the planets will pass each other at various distances consistently.

During the nearest approach on Monday, Jupiter will be north of 58 crore kilometers from us, which at its farthest point from us is 96 crore kilometers away. "Jupiter’s closest approach to Earth rarely coincides with opposition, which means this year’s views will be extraordinary," said NASA in an update.

How can we see Jupiter during this phenomenon???

It will in any case be challenging to see it with the unaided eyes due to the humongous distance among us and the planet. Be that as it may, a telescope can assist with developing the view and bring the planet into center. Attempt and track down higher ground with open skies for better survey.

With great optics, the banding (essentially the focal band) and three or four of the Galilean satellites (moons) ought to be apparent

The astrophysicists in a blog suggest utilizing a four-inch-or-bigger telescope and a filters in the green to the blue reach to see Jupiter's Extraordinary Red Spot and groups in more detail. Also said that “The views should be great for a few days before and after September 26. So, take advantage of good weather on either side of this date to take in the sight. Outside of the Moon, it should be one of the (if not the) brightest objects in the night sky,”

So, Mark the date in your calendar and view this phenomenal view with your Hearts open.

